1.The first step would be to think about what kind of a unit you would like.
What are your needs ? Is this for thinning or complete hair loss?
Would you like wear adhesive, or would you prefer glue less?
What about the cap style, would you like mono top, full lace, or lace front ?
These are options that are available and can be talked about more during the consultation.
2.The second step would be to determine what kind of texture and feel would you like.
This is the tricky part, because there are tons of of options, Whether you like strait hair with light waves, or you like curly hair that flows in the wins. Or maybe you would like a courser texture to match your natural hair.
3. The third step would be to determine the color of the unit. Would you like something that matches the color of your hair, or would you like to add some highlights for a different look. Or maybe your natural hair is graying and you would like a age appropriate color.
4. The fourth step is to determine the length that you'd like. Maybe you would like something easy to maintain, so shorter is better. Or possible you would like to have long flowing hair with soft layers.
5. The fifth step is to determine the thickness of the unit. What density will you choose? Standard units are made with 120-130% which is common. But during the consultation we may determine a thinner density is more natural looking. Many clients that are mature in age prefer a thinner density at around 90-110%.
6. The last step would be the measurements. This is a important step. There are 6 measurements which are needed to make a custom cap.
For in stock pre-made units, Size S-M are readily available for order.
Now that you have the basics out of the way you are ready to make your order for your custom unit. Just for your convenience we now offer skype consultations.